Circle of Care

For Families and Youth

Helping you keep your child healthy

The health and wellbeing of your child is very important. Keeping them healthy means taking them to the doctor, but also making sure they have good food to eat, and safe places to live, learn and play. It also means that those who take care of them have what they need to be healthy too. It can be hard to get the help your family needs to be healthy when you don’t know where to start. 

NJ InCK (pronounced “New Jersey Ink”) is here to help you by bringing together YOU, your child’s doctor, and community based services, from schools to food pantries. NJ InCK helps community-based service providers and doctors better understand and support your child’s health. This helps you to make sure your child gets all the different types of care they need to be healthy. 

We call this creating a circle of care around your child to help your family in the best possible way.

Call 855-619-4445 if you need more information.

Circle Of Care Family Partners

Please watch our video to learn more about NJ InCK

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NJ InCK serves all children, teens, and young adults aged birth through 20 enrolled in NJ FamilyCare in Monmouth or Ocean counties.

Why participate in NJ InCK?

  • Get better care. Share more detailed information about your child’s health and social needs helps connect you with the right services and care.
  • Access more resources. Find out about the many resources and services available throughout your community.
  • Communicate better. Help your child’s doctor and community-based organizations learn more about your needs, concerns, and preferences.
  • Simplify care coordination. The NJ InCK care team may be able to help coordinate your child’s care for those with the greatest health and social needs.
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Teens and young adults:

If you are aged 14 or older, you can start making important decisions about your health. Complete your NJ InCK HealthStory to connect with the support you need—judgement-free. Your health is a vital part of your future and NJ InCK is here to support you. Parent support required for most sections.

Resources for Family and Youth

NJ 211

Get help finding health and human service resources in New Jersey.

Learn More

Monmouth County Resource Net

A wide range of information about support, resources, and services for the residents of Monmouth County, NJ.

Learn More

Ocean County Resource Net

A wide range of information about support, resources, and services for the residents of Ocean County, NJ.

Learn More
Icon Key

Get your key to participate in NJ InCK!

FAQs for Families and Youth

NJ InCK makes it easier for you to get the care your child needs. It helps doctors and community-based service providers better understand and support families— especially those with multiple healthcare and social needs. We all deserve to get what we need to stay healthy, and when we do, we build stronger, happier families and healthier communities.

The NJ InCK HealthStoryis the first step to accessing better care. It asks questions about health and social needs specific to your child’s age. Your answers provide the information your doctors and community partners in your circle of care need to provide your child with the best care possible. You will be asked to update and share your child’s NJ InCK HealthStoryevery year.

Being a part of NJ InCK does not change any of your child’s NJ FamilyCare services. However, your child is also eligible to participate in NJ InCK as an added service.

NJ InCK partners with you and the places your child goes, like school and community programs, to provide access to the physical health, mental health, behavioral health, and social services your child may need to thrive.

No. The resources and services you can access through NJ InCK are based on what your child and family need. This is determined through your child’s NJ InCK HealthStory, the healthcare and social services you regularly use, and talking to your doctor. The more information you share, the better your circle of care can support your child.

You get to make ALL of the decisions. You choose which services and resources are right for you and your family. You decide who to share your information with. The doctors and community-based service providers in your circle of care will partner with you and support you in the decisions you make.

Please contact us directly or feel free to talk to your child’s doctor/the community organization that told you about NJ InCK.